B-phone awarded with the "Export and Innovation Award"


The B-phone has been awarded with the „Export and Innovation prize 2009” held by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. On the 15. December the award was handed over by Valdis Zatlers, prezident of Latvia.

The Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) organize a tender for the Latvian partnerships „Export and Innovation Award 2009”.
The goal of the Awards are to contribute to the competitive capacity of Latvian partnerships in Latvian and in foreign markets, promote growth in the quality and quantity of exports, generate products with high added value, and promote innovation by evaluating the results of the partnerships and identifying successful partnerships and products.The evaluation of the partnerships is carried out under the following categories:

1. „Best Exporter” in both large/medium and small partnership groups;
2. „Innovative product”;
3. „Leading Exporter”;
4. "Import Substitute Product".

The evaluation of applications is holden in two rounds, including a visit to the partnerships and a viewing of presentations about the products or services presented for an award.

The applicants in the category of „Leading Exporter” are nominated by a jury, on the basis of information on their export activity and their provision for sustainability development.